By Frank Travis
Nov 20,2021
This year the Centers for Medicare and Medic aid Services (CMS) have introduced 159 new codes, deleted 32 codes and revised 20 ICD-10 codes. These codes were introduced to enable greater specificity in identifying health issues and to provide better quality care. We are also aware of the fact that the biggest challenge faced by cardiology practices is that they have the second-highest percentage increase in ICD-10 codes, after the Orthopedics specialty. All this means that the physician has to remember all the codes which can be quite overwhelming. There is, however, a solution to this problem. By hiring medical scribes designated for cardiology practices, cardiologists can easily keep pace with the growing EHR documentation demands.
Let us now see what research studies have to say about the use of cardiology scribes in a cardiology practice. Recent studies suggest that the benefits of hiring medical scribes extend beyond improving patient interactions to greater physician satisfaction and revenue.
This is what Alan.J.Bank, Medical Director of Research at United Heart &Vascular clinic, St Paul, Minnesota and Associate Professor in Cardiology department, University of Minnesota has to share about a study that was conducted in a cardiology practice to assess the impact of cardiology scribes on patient interaction, physician productivity, and revenue.
It was observed that the use of cardiology scribes benefitted all parties involved. Patients received more focused care and better access to care as increased slots were available on the physician's calendar. Physicians reported higher job satisfaction, more time spent caring for patients, a better work-life balance, less documentation work, and increased productivity-based pay.The healthcare system became much more efficient. It increased revenue by seeing more patients rather than ordering more tasks and reduced costs by increasing productivity.
Using cardiology medical scribes to handle the growing documentation requirements of a cardiology practice is feasible, improves physician-patient interaction, and boosts physician productivity and revenue significantly.If you're a busy cardiologist considering hiring cardiology medical scribes, look no further. Get in touch with Scribe4Me, today.
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Haley Holmes
Thomas Kennedy
Urologists are generally extremely busy professionals with a hectic and demanding work schedule.
Oncologists are typically busy seeing almost a dozen patients a day, often under extremely emotional situations.
Since the introduction of EHRs in the year 2009 and the federal policies to encourage usage, the implementation of EHRs has steadily increased.