
July 22, 2024

Ways To Prevent After-Hours Charting In Family Practices

For family physicians getting work done before leaving home may seem nearly impossible.

July 17, 2024

Internist Claims: 2 New Patients Daily Make Scribe Program Profitable In A Year

EHR documentation can be burdensome, reducing face-to-face patient time and causing burnout. One solution for physicians to overcome this burden is to hire a scribe.

Mar 21, 2024

Why Revenue Cycle Audits Are Crucial For A Successful Medical Practice?

This blog post discusses what a revenue cycle audit is and the need to perform one regularly to ensure compliance and integrity

Mar 14, 2024

The Importance Of Compliance Audits In A Medical Practice

This blog post explores what healthcare compliance is, why a practice needs it and what happens in the event of non-compliance.

Mar 07, 2024

Streamline Your Practice’s Financial Management With QuickBooks Services

This blog post explores how outsourcing QuickBooks services can make your practice’s accounting operations a breeze.

Feb 29, 2024

Why do you need a virtual practice manager

This blog post discusses what a virtual practice manager is and why having one is beneficial to your practice.

Feb 22, 2024

Yes, Virtual Nurses Can Supplement Your Bedside Care Team

This blog post explores what a virtual nurse is and the variety of tasks they can handle. Read on.

Feb 15, 2024

How Virtual Personal Assistants Can Help Physicians?

This blog post discusses the administrative tasks that virtual personal assistants can handle and how they can benefit your practice.

Feb 08, 2024

Medical Practice Auditing - What It Is And Its Types

This blog post discusses what medical practice auditing is and the types of medical audits that are conducted to improve various aspects of healthcare.

Feb 01, 2024

Why Medical Practices Should Outsource Finance And Accounting Staff?

The blog post discusses what a virtual finance and accounting staff is and the benefits of hiring one for your medical practice.

Jan 25, 2024

Why Every Practice Needs Virtual Office Staff

This blog post explores what a virtual staff is, the types and how they could benefit your practice. Read on

Jan 18, 2024

The Big Benefits Of Outsourcing Staffing Services

This blog discusses how outsourcing staffing services could be the right move for your practice. Keep reading.

Jan 11, 2024

Virtual Scribes Take Over In-person Scribes - COVID-19 and Beyond

COVID-19 brought about a drastic change in medical scribe workflow, paving the way for implementation of remote scribes for virtual care. Read on to learn more

Jan 04, 2024

Medical Scribe - Assisting Physicians With Healthcare Documentation

This blog post is a guide to knowing what a medical scribe is, their benefits and how they have evolved over the years

Dec 28, 2023

Enhancing EHR Documentation Efficiency With An AI Scribe

This blog post discusses how using an AI scribe can make EHR documentation more efficient. Read on

Dec 21, 2023

What Is A Medical Scribe And Why Hospitals Should Hire One

This blog post discusses everything you need to know about medical scribes and why hospitals should hire one. Keep reading

Dec 07, 2023

Why AI Promises To Transform Medical Note Taking

This blog post explores how AI is used in healthcare to automate day-to -day tasks. Read on

Nov 23, 2023

How Does The Future Of Medical Transcription Look Like?

This blog post discusses if AI-powered transcription will render human transcription obsolete. Read on to learn more

Nov 16, 2023

Is Speech-To-Text Transforming Healthcare For The Better?

The blog post explores what medical speech-to-text is and how it enhances the accuracy and efficiency of patient care

Nov 09, 2023

A Guide To Choosing The Right Medical Dictation Software

This blog posts discusses what medical dictation software is, the types and what they offer for practices. Read on.

Nov 02, 2023

What Is A Podiatry Scribe And How They Can Augment Your Practice

This blog post explores what a podiatry scribe is, the experience needed to become one, their roles and how they can augment your practice.

Oct 26, 2023

What Is A Rheumatology Scribe And How They Can Add Value To Your Practice

This blog post explores what a rheumatology scribe is, the experience needed to become one, their role and how they can add value to your practice. Keep reading.

Oct 19, 2023

What Is An Ophthalmic Scribe And How They Can Take Your Practice To The Next Level

This blog post explores what an ophthalmic scribe is, the experience needed to become one, their role and how they can take your practice to the next level. Keep reading.

Oct 12, 2023

What Is a Gastroenterology Scribe And How They Can Boost Your Practice?

This blog post explores what a gastroenterology scribe is, the experience needed to become one, their role and how they can boost your practice. Keep reading.

Oct 05, 2023

What Is A Pediatric Scribe And How They Can Enhance Your Practice

This blog post explores what a pediatric scribe is, the experience needed to become one, their role and how they can enhance your practice. Keep reading.

Sep 28, 2023

What Is A Urology Scribe And How They Can Complement Your Practice

This blog post discusses what a urology scribe is, the experience needed to become one, their role and how they can complement your practice. Keep reading.

Sep 28, 2023

What Is An Emergency Room Scribe And How They Can Elevate Your Practice

This blog post explores what an emergency room scribe is, the experience needed to become one, their role and how they can elevate your practice. Keep reading.

Sep 14, 2023

An Essential Guide To Efficient Provider Credentialing

This blog post discusses the steps involved in provider credentialing to ensure that they meet the required standards. Read on.

Sep 28, 2023

Ambient Listening Technology - Everything You Need To Know

This blog explores the concept of ambient listening devices and their advantages in various applications, particularly in EHR documentation. Keep reading.

Sep 21, 2023

What Is NLP In Healthcare

This blog post discusses what NLP is, its role and its applications within the healthcare system. Keep reading.

Sep 14, 2023

Benefits Of Voice Recognition Tools In Healthcare

Voice recognition software can be a game-changer, optimizing your practice and ultimately improving patient outcomes. Keep reading.

Sep 7, 2023

Virtual Medical Scribe Robot - The Healthcare Assistant You Can Count On

This blog post explores what a robot medical scribe is, it benefits, it importance and whether they are truly worth it. Keep reading.

Aug 31, 2023

Leveraging The Power Of AI In Medical Transcription

This blog post explores what a psychiatry scribe is, the experience needed to become one, their role and how they can uplift your practice.

Aug 24, 2023

What Is The Trend In AI And ML In 2023?

This blog post discusses the applications of AI in the medical field and its impact on healthcare providers. Read on to learn more.

Aug 17, 2023

What Is A Cardiology Scribe And How They Can Improve Your Practice

Let us in this blog post explore what a cardiology scribe is, the experience needed to become one, their role and how they can improve your practice.

Aug 17, 2023

What Is A Psychiatry Scribe And How They Can Uplift Your Practice

This blog post explores what a psychiatry scribe is, the experience needed to become one, their role and how they can uplift your practice.

Aug 17, 2023

What is an Orthopedic Scribe And How Do They Benefit Your Practice

Orthopedic medical scribes are becoming increasingly popular as they are consistently being associated with numerous benefits. Read on to learn more.

Aug 17, 2023

Hyper-Automated Virtual Medical Scribe Robots - Everything You Need To Know

This blog post explores what virtual medical scribe robots are, how they work, why you need them and the role AI and ML play.

Aug 10, 2023

What Is An ENT Scribe And How They Can Help Your Practice

This blog post discusses what an ENT scribe is, their role and how they contribute to the success of an ENT practice.

Jul 24, 2023

Analyzing the Pros and Cons of AI in Medical Dictation

This blog post analyzes the pros and cons of using AI-driven medical dictation software in medical transcription. Read on to learn more.

Jul 24, 2023

The Impact of Clinical Documentation Advancements on Patient Experiences and Outcomes

This blog post discusses two primary approaches to overcoming the EHR shortcomings and maximizing patient experiences and outcomes. Read on.

Jul 24, 2023

Does Technology Impact the Medical Scribe Industry?

This blog post explores the advantages and disadvantages of the three primary methods for implementing medical scribing. Read on.

Jul 24, 2023

Tips to Unlock the Secrets of Effective Medical Scribing

This blog discusses the need for a medical scribe, hiring considerations, required skills, onboarding protocols, and evaluation & monitoring of medical scribes

Jul 24, 2023

Digitization of Health Records - Can an AI-Based Digital Scribe Help Unlock Its Full Potential?

This blog post evaluates the impact of six sources of ROI when considering solutions for the digitization of health records and patient encounter documentation.

Jul 21, 2023

What Its Like To Be An ENT Scribe

Morgan, a scribe in an ENT clinic shares what an ENT scribe does, how long it took to train and her advice for those considering a career as an ENT scribe.

Jul 14, 2023

The Personal Experiences of an Orthopedic Scribe

This blog post discusses how ChatGPT can help ease the burden on healthcare providers but still falls short of being completely reliable.

Jul 07, 2023

Can You Trust ChatGPT For A Scribe? What Orthopedic Surgeons Have To Say

This blog post explores what eminent orthopedic surgeons have to say about trusting a ChatGPT to be the medical scribe during patient visits.

Jun 29, 2023

ChatGPT Can Help Overburdened Physicians, But How Reliable Are They?

This blog post discusses how ChatGPT can help ease the burden on healthcare providers but still falls short of being completely reliable.

Jun 22, 2023

The AI Hallucination Problem

AI systems have the tendency to hallucinate. This blog post explores what AI hallucinations are and how dangerous they can be.

Jun 15, 2023

The Increasing Need For Ophthalmic Scribes

This blog post discusses some of the key considerations that will continue to accelerate the need for scribes in ophthalmic practices.

Jun 08, 2023

The Indispensable Role Ophthalmic Scribes Play Within A Retinal Practice

Ophthalmic scribe usage appear to be potential antidote to ease the stress of retinal practices and improve efficiency. Read on to learn more.

Jun 01, 2023

The Amazing Benefits of Using Orthopedic Scribes

This blog post explores what orthopedic scribes are and the benefits they offer within the healthcare system. Read on.

May 25, 2023

ENT Scribes Can Improve Patient Volume and Revenue

Let us in the blog post explore how ENT scribes can remove the EHR-data entry burden placed on ENT physicians and increase patient volume and overall revenue.

May 22, 2023

Do ENT Scribes Help Improve Documentation Efficiency and Provide High Level of Care?

This blog post discusses how using ENT scribes can help in improving documentation efficiency while also providing high level of ENT care.

May 21, 2023

Exploring the Pros and Cons of Choosing Nuance DAX vs. DeepScribe vs. Human Scribe

This blog post explores what the Nuance DAX, DeepScribe and Human scribes are and the pros and cons of choosing these scribing solutions.

May 20, 2023

Do Psychiatry Scribes Foster Better Physician-Patient Relationships?

Psychiatry scribes assist with documenting patient encounters allowing psychiatrists to spend more time talking with patients and building better relationships.

May 19, 2023

Understanding Doctor’s Conversations - AI Scribes Fail Human Scribes Excel

Do AI scribes understand the complexities of clinical conversations like human scribes do? Read on to learn more.

May 18, 2023

The Negative Impacts of Choosing AI Over Humans in Healthcare

This blog discusses some of the risks and challenges of using AI over humans in healthcare. Read on to learn more.

May 17, 2023

Why AI Won’t Replace Doctors?

AI can never ever replace doctors, but it can definitely make them better. Read on to learn more.

May 16, 2023

Human Scribe vs AI Scribe Which Way To Go

This blog post discusses what human scribes and AI scribes are and gives you the pros and cons of each to help you make the right choice.

May 16, 2023

Can ENT scribes Improve Efficiency and Reduce Burnout?

ENT scribes appear to be a promising strategy to improve efficiencies and reduce provider burnout. Read on to learn more.

May 16, 2023

The Time Burden of EHRs and are Ophthalmic Scribes a Solution?

This blog post discusses how the time pressure and stress of EHRs can negatively affect patient care and if a scribe can help.

May 16, 2023

Is Outsourcing Neurosurgery Coding the Right Move

Outsourcing neurosurgery coding to a company that has a team of certified and experienced neurosurgery coding experts is the best bet. Read on to learn more.

May 15, 2023

Getting to Know the Healthcare Revenue Cycle Process

Healthcare RCM is a process wherein the services rendered to the patients are properly billed and duly collected from the insurance companies or the patients.

May 15, 2023

Common Credentialing Mistakes That Can Make Your Finances Go Awry

This blog discusses some of the common credentialing mistakes that can whack your finances and how outsourcing can help. Read on to learn more.

May 15, 2023

Get Paid Faster with ERAs, EFTs and eEOBs

ERAs and EFTs not only eliminate the need for checks, paper EOB's but also get funds fast with direct deposits. Read on to learn more

May 12, 2023

The ENT Surgeon Burnout Trap - Is a Scribe a Way Out?

Burnout among ENT surgeons is a growing problem. Let us in this blog post see how serious the burnout issue is and if a medical scribe can help.

May 12, 2023

Does ENT Charting Weigh You Down? - A Scribe Can Help

ENT medical scribes can help reduce paperwork burdens and distracting administrative tasks to focus on the patient in front of you. Read on to learn more.

May 12, 2023

Orthopedic Surgeons are Quitting Medicine - Can Scribes Change their Mind?

Physicians, especially orthopedic surgeons are not happy with their work. What could be the main factors that cause them to quit their jobs? Read on.

May 11, 2023

EHRs Slow Otolaryngic Allergists Down - Is Scribe a Solution?

Scribes free up orthopedic physicians’ from the burden of constant note taking that negatively impacts their ability to provide the highest quality of care. Read on.

May 11, 2023

Paperwork Pressure Continues – Are Orthopedic Scribes a Life changer?

Scribes free up orthopedic physicians’ from the burden of constant note taking that negatively impacts their ability to provide the highest quality of care. Read on.

May 11, 2023

Telepsychiatry and How Scribes Can Help

Medical scribes can virtually take part in telepsychiatric consultations and help with real-time clinical documentation. Read on to learn more.

May 04, 2023

Orthopedic Surgeon Burnout - Can Scribes Help Restore Wellness?

A multifactorial approach is needed to prevent and treat burnout. Using a scribe is one solution to the present stressors of being an orthopedic surgeon.

Apr 27, 2023

Psychiatrist Burnout - It's Time to Take Care of Yourself Too

One promising approach to preventing burnout in psychiatrists is using a scribe to help with note-taking and other administrative tasks. Read on to learn more.

Apr 20, 2023

Can Scribes Assuage the Documentation Burden of Psychiatrists?

Psychiatry medical scribes are a perfect way to alleviate documentation burden so as to keep encounters focused on the patient – not on the computer screens.

Apr 13, 2023

Do Scribes Improve Workflow Efficiencies in ENT & Allergy Practices?

Using scribes in an ENT and Allergy practice is one proposed way to reduce the data entry and documentation burden, while also enhancing efficiency of care.

Apr 06, 2023

A Complete Guide to Ophthalmology Virtual Medical Scribe and How They Can Improve Your Practice

Virtual medical scribes can provide a range of benefits for ophthalmology practices. Continue reading to learn the amazing benefits they can offer.

Apr 06, 2023

Guide To Using Psychiatry Virtual Medical Scribe And How Your Practice Can Benefit

Using a psychiatry virtual medical scribe can provide numerous benefits for healthcare providers. Continue reading to learn more.

Apr 06, 2023

How Psychologists Can Benefit From Hiring A Psychiatric Scribe?

Hiring a psychiatric scribe can be a great investment for psychologists. Read to learn the incredible benefits of hiring one.

Apr 06, 2023

How Do You Choose The Right Psychiatric Scribe?

Choosing the right psychiatric scribe is an important decision. Read on to know the factors to consider while choosing one.

Apr 06, 2023

How Do You Choose The Right Virtual Medical Scribe Company?

Looking for some useful tips to choose the right virtual scribe company? Read on to learn more.

Apr 06, 2023

Are Doctors Willing to Take a Pay Cut for a Better Work-Life Balance?

Work-life balance, a better work environment and a greater sense of fulfillment is worth far more than a fat pay check for today's doctors

Mar 30, 2023

Distracted Doctoring It's Time to Return to Patient Centered Care

You would have probably heard of 'distracted walking' or 'distracted driving', the two growing concerns that impair safety on the road. Read on to learn more.

Mar 23, 2023

Ophthalmology Scribe - An Efficiency and Patient Care Enhancer

More and more ophthalmologists are using medical scribes as a way to increase productivity, streamline workflow and improve patient care. Read on to learn more

Mar 16, 2023

Burnout in GI doctors and is scribe a way out?

Gastroenterology virtual medical scribes help in documenting medical consultations while GI doctors focus on patient care. Read on to learn more.

Mar 09, 2023

The Perks of Working with a Virtual Medical Scribing Company

A virtual medical scribe company uses trained professionals to document patient visits in real-time from an offsite location. Read on to learn more.

Mar 02, 2023

Can Scribes Ease Podiatry Practice Paperwork Burden?

Podiatric medical scribe is one proposed way to reduce the burnout and burden associated with documenting patient care. Read on to learn more.

Feb 23, 2023

Do Physicians Need Patients' Consent to Use Medical Scribes?

Is it required to obtain the consent of the patient about the presence of the scribe? Read on to learn more.

Feb 16, 2023

Yes, Good Documentation Matters In Healthcare

Good documentation is one of the key components of meeting the requirements of a good medical practice. Read on to learn more.

Feb 09, 2023

Virtual Scribes Take Over In-person Scribes - COVID-19 and Beyond

COVID-19 brought about a drastic change in medical scribe workflow, paving the way for implementation of remote scribes for virtual care. Read on to learn more.

Feb 02, 2023

Psychiatry Medical Scribes - Protect Patients and Providers

Psychiatry scribes provide high-quality and accurate charting, while you focus on treating your patient with mental illness. Read on to learn more.

Jan 26, 2023

ER Medical Scribe - The Key to Maximizing ED Efficiency

ER scribes provide real-time charting and form an integral part of patient care focusing on efficiency and satisfaction of both the patients and providers

Jan 19, 2023

8 Telltale Signs That You Need a Medical Scribe

This blog discusses some of the telltale signs that you need to engage a medical scribe. Read on to learn more.

Jan 12, 2023

What Does Documentation Demands Look Like in the Days to Come?

This blog discusses how the CPT 2023 overhaul will ease physician’s administrative workload and how the surge of telemedicine has added to their documentation demands

Jan 05, 2023

Does EHR Documentation Affect Work-life Balance of Physicians?

Using medical scribes to assist with EHR documentation can help physicians strike a balance between their professional and personal lives. Read on to learn more

Dec 29, 2022

How Scribes Can Help Primary Care Physicians

Various studies say that using medical scribes in a primary care practice appeared to be a promising strategy. Read on to learn more.

Dec 22, 2022

The Beneficial Impact of Medical Scribes in Surgical Practices

Medical scribes have a positive impact on surgeons. Read on to explore what various studies have to say about the effect of scribes in surgical practices.

Dec 15, 2022

Are Female Physicians at a Higher Risk of Burnout than Male Physicians?

Female physicians are more likely to consistently experience higher burnout rates than male physicians. Read on to know more.

Dec 08, 2022

A Guide to Making OB/GYN Billing Better and Streamline Cash Flow

OB/GYN medical billing is complex. Read on to know what makes it complex and the best practices to be followed to handle the complexities.

Dec 01, 2022

The Need for Pediatric Billing Services

Pediatric billing comes with a unique set of challenges. Read on to know the challenges and how professional pediatric billing services can be helpful

Nov 24, 2022

Orthopedic Billing Challenges and Ways to Tackle Them

Orthopedic medical billing is more complex when compared to other specialties. Read on to understand the challenges involved and the ways to tackle them

Nov 17, 2022

Prior Authorization Denials - Reasons and Ways to Stay Clear of It

Prior authorization issues are the common cause for claim denials. Read on to know the reasons and the best practice to be followed to avoid them

Nov 11, 2022

Improve Dental Practice Collections and Say Goodbye to Payment Chasing

Managing accounts receivable in a dental practice can be challenging as it can get out of control anytime. Read on to know the tips to improve collections.

Nov 07, 2022

Billing Challenges Faced by Dermatology Practices and Ways to Tackle Them

Dermatology medical billing can be challenging. Read on to know the challenges faced by dermatology practices and the strategies to overcome it.

Nov 03, 2022

Tips to Choose the Right Insurance Verification Service Provider

Insurance verification is a crucial task and best done when outsourced to experts. Read on to learn the tips to consider when choosing a partner to work with

Oct 31, 2022

Prior authorization - Practical Tips to Speed up the Process

The burden created by prior authorization is challenging. Read on to know the tips to make the process more efficient and transform patient care and outcomes

Oct 27, 2022

Prior Authorization - All You Need to Know

A healthcare provider needs to get approval from the insurance company before prescribing a drug or performing a procedure. Read on to learn more

Oct 24, 2022

Steps to Strengthen the Insurance Eligibility Verification Process and Prevent Denials

Insurance eligibility verification process plays a crucial role in ensuring a healthy revenue cycle. Read on to know the steps involved in it.

Oct 20, 2022

The Indispensable Role Medical Coders and Billers Play in the RCM Process

Medical coders and billers work to ensure that doctors get paid for their services. Let’s look at what a coder and biller are, their roles and the consequences of incorrect coding or billing

Oct 17, 2022

Top 5 Medical Billing Issues that Physicians Encounter Post-pandemic

The pandemic has created a unique set of medical billing challenges. Read on to learn about the top 5 medical billing issues faced by physicians post pandemic

Oct 13, 2022

Best Practices for Accurate Cardiology Coding and Billing

Cardiology specialty is complex in nature, and even more is its billing process. Read on to know the best practices to ensure accurate billing and coding.

Oct 06, 2022

Effective Tips to Avoid Claim Denials and Achieve Clean Claims

Managing claim denials and ensuring clean claim submissions is challenging. This blog discusses some effective tips to stop claim denials in its tracks.

Sep 29, 2022

Effective Strategies to Improve Your Practice Collection and Cash flow in 2022

This blog discusses some of the ways in which you can improve your practice collection and ensure a healthy revenue cycle this 2022.

Sep 22, 2022

How Outsourcing ENT Billing Services Can Avoid Common Coding Issues

Outsourcing ENT billing helps physicians focus on their practice without having to worry about losing money due to improper billing

Sep 15, 2022

How Outsourcing Payment Posting Services Boost Profitability to Your Practice

Scribe4Me provides prompt and accurate payment posting services to help monitor your incoming payments and cash flow to your practice. Read on to learn more.

Sep 08, 2022

Why Outsource your AR Services to a Trusted Provider

Outsourcing your accounts receivables to a reliable service provider like Scribe4Me can help you save time, money, and resources. Read on to learn more.

Sep 01, 2022

The Plus of Integrating Machine and Human Intelligence in Clinical Charting

Did you know that AI and humans can work together to help augment each other’s capabilities? Well, integrating an AI scribe with a human scribe is the future of clinical documentation. Time and again surveys report that excessive documentation tasks make physicians feel burned out.

Aug 25, 2022

Strategies to Avoid Common Medical Claim Denial Errors

Receiving timely reimbursements is crucial to keeping your practice up and running smoothly. These funds are required to pay your staff, buy hospital supplies and to treat patients.

Aug 18, 2022

How Charge Entry Process Can Maximise Your Revenue Collections

Of all those time-consuming, complex processes that go into healthcare billing cycle, be it eligibility verification, coding, claims submission or payment posting, one process that stands out the most, considering its complexity, is charge entry services.

Aug 11, 2022

The Importance of Verifying Patient’s Insurance in Medical Billing

If you are on the lookout for a simple strategy to reduce denials, checking eligibility is what you need to do. Read on to learn more.

Aug 04, 2022

Simplify Clinical Documentation with Smartphone Apps

Documentation is an important daily clinical responsibility. In order to optimize patient care, physicians are always on the lookout for new ways to effectively and efficiently document patient visits.

Jul 28, 2022

The Dual Role of Virtual Medical Scribes - Charting and Coding

The use of virtual medical scribes has become increasingly popular in the recent years, as medical practices across the country are on the constant lookout for ways to reduce clinical documentation overload, thereby improving overall productivity.

Jul 21, 2022

Hybrid Medical Scribing Model - The Best of Both Worlds

The clerical burden associated with EHR usage is attributed as the number one cause of physician burnout. We also know that physicians spend twice as much time on EHRs and other clerical tasks compared to the time providing patient care.

Jul 14, 2022

Perks of Outsourcing Your Medical Coding Needs

Medical coding is a small, yet indispensable part of the revenue cycle and often the most challenging one.

Jul 07, 2022

Top Reasons to Outsource Your RCM Services

An effective revenue cycle management plays an integral role in ensuring profitability and sustenance of a medical practice.

Jun 30, 2022

Is a Virtual Medical Scribe an Invaluable Asset to your Practice?

EHRs were introduced with the best of intentions. But the negative impact of EHRs on the stress levels and time demands placed on physicians cannot be understated

Jun 23, 2022

Are Virtual Medical Scribes worth the cost?

Are virtual medical scribes really worth the cost? This is a burning question in the minds of many healthcare providers out there

Jun 16, 2022

Do Virtual Medical Scribes Bring Back the Human Connection in Medicine

Effective physician-patient communication not only fosters good physician-patient relationships but also improves care and clinical outcomes. However, the increasing amount of time spent on EHRs, changed physicians’ priorities all at the expense of patients.

Jun 09, 2022

How Virtual Medical Scribing Benefits All Parties Involved

Healthcare represents a service ecosystem that is made up of several stakeholders - patients, healthcare professionals, medical scribes, and insurance companies.

Jun 06, 2022

Physician Burnout - Can a Virtual Medical Scribe Heal the Healers

Charting and paperwork on account of the widespread adoption of EHRs is the number one contributor to physician burnout, a Medscape study says.

Jun 02, 2022

Office Manager’s Guide to Hiring the Best Medical Scribe Service

Time and again research studies reinforce the widespread feeling of dissatisfaction among US physicians with the use of EHRS as they spend too much time documenting their work.

May 23, 2022

Physician’s Guide to Choosing the Right Medical Scribe Service

Healthcare providers in the US are constantly frustrated by the amount of time they have to spend on electronic health records.

May 16, 2022

8 Great Reasons to Hire a Virtual Medical Scribe

Gone are the days when medical scribes were physically present in the exams rooms assisting physicians with their documentation tasks.

May 05,2022

Is a Virtual Medical Scribe Trending Now?

With the advent of EHRs physician offices across the country are under increased pressure to maintain complete, accurate and up-to-date medical records of each patient visit.

Apr 23, 2022

Can Rheumatology Scribes Help Improve Workflow Efficiency and Physician-Patient Satisfaction?

Busy rheumatologists spend a lot of direct contact with their patients in order to provide the best possible care.

Mar 13, 2022

On-site Medical Scribe or Virtual Medical Scribe– Which way to go

Virtual medical scribing has become increasingly popular in recent years as majority of physicians’ offices and hospitals have switched from paper to electronic records

Feb 19,2022

Physician Burnout – A Growing Medical Crisis in the USA

The healthcare organization, with its fast-paced workdays, long hours of work, demanding schedules, EHR documentation requirements

Jan 04,2022

Getting to Know the Virtual Medical Scribes

Virtual medical scribes are becoming increasingly popular in recent years as a perfect alternative to traditional medical scribes

Dec 19,2021

Why Physicians Rely On Medical Scribes?

Medical practices across the globe are under increased pressure to ensure that patient records are properly updated following each visit.

Nov 20,2021

Cardiology Medical Scribes can Improve Physician Productivity- Are you up for it?

This year the Centers for Medicare and Medic aid Services (CMS) have introduced 159 new codes, deleted 32 codes and revised 20 ICD-10 codes

Oct 15,2021

Oncology Scribes – Help More Time Doctoring And Less Time Charting

Oncologists are typically busy seeing almost a dozen patients a day, often under extremely emotional situations.

Sep 04,2021

Becoming a Medical Transcriptionist – Everything You Need To Know

A medical transcriptionist plays an important role within the healthcare industry by helping doctors create accurate clinical medical records.

Aug 13, 2021

Urology Scribes– Frees Up Urologists To Focus On Patient Care

Urologists are generally extremely busy professionals with a hectic and demanding work schedule.

Jul 19,2021

Medical Scribes Enhance Patient-Centered Care And Revenue

Since the introduction of EHRs in the year 2009 and the federal policies to encourage usage, the implementation of EHRs has steadily increased.

Jun 06,2021

Do Pediatric Medical Scribes Contribute to Physician Well-being?

The use of pediatric medical scribes to assist pediatricians in clinical documentation is becoming increasingly popular for a variety of reasons.

May 14,2021

Orthopedic Medical Scribes - Reasons to Hire

Orthopedic surgeons are significantly more likely to experience some of the highest rates of burnout when compared to other specialties.